23/3/2025 Good strategy understands affect, not just cognition
15/3/2025 How to ask for an introduction
12/3/2025 Good strategy is embedded, not purely abstracted
10/3/2025 Strategy is not the same as planning
10/3/2025 Seven strategy tensions … and misunderstandings
8/3/2025 Unpacking Boris
23/9/2024 The meaningmaking lens on AI
28/4/2024 True uncertainty ≠ formal risk
28/4/2024 The paradox of Science and uncertainty
30/1/2024 Not-knowing discussion #13: Tools for thought and action (summary)
15/1/2024 Building a toolkit for not-knowing
14/1/2024 Not-knowing discussion #12: Broad approaches (summary)
17/12/2023 Broad approaches for situations of not-knowing
14/12/2023 Not-knowing discussion #11: A mindset for not-knowing (summary)
14/11/2023 Not-knowing discussion #10: Intent, causation, and values (summary)
13/11/2023 A mindset for not-knowing
17/10/2023 Unfrozen from the start
15/10/2023 The fountain
15/10/2023 Not-knowing discussion #9: The fog of time (summary)
18/9/2023 The fog of time
7/9/2023 Not-knowing discussion #8: What results are worth (summary)
17/8/2023 Not-knowing discussion #7: Causal not-knowing (summary)
15/8/2023 Not-knowing about value
10/7/2023 Human mRNA
4/7/2023 Causal not-knowing
2/7/2023 Not-knowing discussion #6: Actions and results (summary)
22/6/2023 Not-knowing about actions and outcomes
14/6/2023 Generative uncertainty
10/6/2023 False advertising
9/6/2023 Overloading and appropriation
31/5/2023 Not-knowing discussion #5: False advertising (summary)
3/5/2023 Not-knowing discussion #4: Misnaming the beasts (summary)
17/3/2023 Not-knowing discussion #3: Fear is the mindkiller (summary)
4/3/2023 Why not-knowing feels so hard
4/3/2023 Meaning in translation
21/2/2023 Why (and how) I think about not-knowing
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